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Essential reading

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CMO Central

How senior marketers drive business and shape their own careers.

CMO Leadership Insights

CMO Leadership Insights

What makes a CMO successful? In over 15 years of research, I’ve collected a couple of leadership insights from credible sources—I found useful. Some come from my own research.

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Change leadership keynotes by Thomas.

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Tools & Workshops

Essential resources for your marketing leadership journey.

CMO Coaching

CMO Coaching

Each year, I personally coach a select groups of international CMOs and change leaders.

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1-Minute Series

Marketing leadership nuggets: bite-sized insights for success.

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Dialogues with global change leaders.

Forbes CMO Leadership Talk: Boutros Boutros, Emirates

Forbes CMO Leadership Talk: Boutros Boutros, Emirates

For my Forbes CMO column, I sat down with Emirates’ marketing head Boutros Boutros. Together with his team Boutros has built one of the world’s most admired airline brands. Here are three nuggets you might find interesting:

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In conversation with Thomas Barta.

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The full blog

Every article? In perfect chronological order.

CMO Leadership Insights

CMO Leadership Insights

What makes a CMO successful? In over 15 years of research, I’ve collected a couple of leadership insights from credible sources—I found useful. Some come from my own research.

Marketers need more sense to stem the tide of CMO firings

CMOs and the ‘confidence thing’

Marketers often ask: “Do I have what it takes to step up and shape my company’s customer agenda?” But when good marketers hold back, companies may struggle to grow and customers are worse off. That’s when it’s time to add more fuel into marketer’s tank: confidence.

Marketers need more sense to stem the tide of CMO firings

Why open books give you more power in the C-Suite

Why are CFOs so powerful? They have crucial and credible financial data every CEO wants to see. Competing with a CFO’s credibility can be hard if your own data is forward looking—or if your work’s impact is hard to measure. Don’t try to compete—change the game. Open the books!

Marketers need more sense to stem the tide of CMO firings

How the CMO can add most value

In theory, the CMO role should be exalted, but reality is different. New evidence suggests many CMOs are missing the needs of an important customer: their own company. It’s time to change this.

Take the Marketing Leadership Test




The time for marketing is now (again)

How to get promoted

Making it to the next level can be exciting. More responsibility, more options, more pay. But how to get promoted? Perhaps your firm has a fixed promotion...

Make the middle manager cool again

Tackle big issues

Hard work is appreciated. Or so people hope. That’s why they put in the long hours, go the extra mile, give their best. But then, things go nowhere. The big...

The hidden power of the marketing funnel

Use the power of the bottom right-hand corner

To make change happen, shed light on the issue. Measure customer feedback, costs, time wasted – whatever your currency is. Make sure your data is solid. Praise those in the top left corner who are doing well; no need to shame those in the bottom right-hand corner – the chart will do it for you.

How will life look after the crisis?

Build someone’s confidence

Tell people how you got to where you are. Talk about the hurdles. Share your tricks. Give hope. As a leader, the most precious thing you can help others build is confidence. And it’s free.

Never let a good crisis go to waste

Make the middle seat wider

Tell customers it’s a middle seat upfront. Then, be generous. Give people a free drink, more air miles, a discount coupon, an extra report, your premium service package. Make the middle seat wider.If people feel good about your middle seat, they may come back. For sure, it’s fair.

What could you create in 90 days?

Lean in, really

Sheryl Sandberg has a point. In her book ‘Lean In’, Facebook’s current COO asks women, “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” Sandberg is a public role model....

What could you create in 90 days?

Travel more

Use the power of travel for change. In organizations, get people to meet customers, switch departments, take on cross-functional work. Do the same yourself—and leave your country now and then. That one new perspective, that one new idea, that one new priority that you acquire can make all the difference.

How will life look after the crisis?

Meet the skeptics

Reach out to three people who disagree. With your project. With your political perspective. With your moral view. Listen and say: “Thank you.” It’s not about making promises. It’s about genuinely learning what it will take to bridge the gaps.

The time for marketing is now (again)

For influence, abandon your desk

Many leaders still spend most of their time in the office, but the most important part of their role – creating organizational change – requires face-to-face contact with those outside their department

How will life look after the crisis?

Why this year’s super bowl ads point to marketing’s biggest leadership issue

What a Super Bowl night! In the end, it was a hard-fought victory for the Eagles. Off the field, another battle raged on between Budweiser, Coke, Kia, Pepsi, Squarespace, P&G, and many others: the nation’s top brands fought for customers’ attention. But after the dust settles, many CEOs, CFOs and shareholders will ask: Was it worth it? Can I trust my marketers? This year, again, they’re short of good answers.

The time for marketing is now (again)

How to recruit the wrong marketers?

What’s the best tool for recruiting the wrong people? A long competency list. If you want too much, you may simply not spot the best marketing leaders. Cut to the chase and ask yourself a simple question: “What distinctive skills do we need?”

How will life look after the crisis?

Inspiration is a leader’s most powerful weapon

As a customer-focused leader, you are in the inspiration business. The biggest part of your role is to mobilize people in your company to make a great customer experience happen. Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as just issuing orders to those around you. Your best bet is to inspire them. But how?

Never let a good crisis go to waste

Trust and how to build it

In a marketing team, trust is the foundation for everything. No matter how good your team’s marketing skills are, they won’t make a dent in the market unless people give their best and take some risks.

How will life look after the crisis?

Dear CFO: Trust your marketer!

Hand over heart: What do you think of marketers? Many CFOs think that marketers talk bollocks, don’t understand the company, and simply can’t be trusted. To be fair, they sometimes have a point. But most of their perceptions are wrong—there’s more common ground than they may think. In fact, marketing most likely determines the fortunes of your company.

Make the middle manager cool again

Make your marketing team a revenue center

Marketing leaders must constantly show that marketing delivers financial returns. Why? If the organization knows your work delivers a return, the decision makers will give you the resources and support you need for your important marketing projects.

5 facts about marketing every CEO (and CMO) needs to know

Even decades after leadership thinker Peter Drucker said his famous sentence “the business enterprise has two–and only two–basic functions: marketing and innovation” there’s still a—surprisingly lively—debate as to whether marketing’s (and marketers’) role should be exalted. Here are five research-backed facts that prove all marketing skeptics wrong. Marketing and CMOs are crucial for company success! Full stop.

Make the middle manager cool again

When leaders need a bulldozer

Leadership means sticking to decisions unless there’s a very good reason to change or stop. If you’re leading these meetings, stay calm, refer to the old plan, raise the issues, and suggest solutions. Successful CMOs are great consensus-builders. But at times, “renting a bulldozer” comes in handy.

Make the middle manager cool again

Cannes 2016–Five takeaways for CMOs

There’s lots of encouraging news coming out of Cannes. While marketing still faces tactical challenges—social media, big data, ROI, to name just a few—the prevailing belief is that CMOs are back in the driver’s seat. They’re cutting through the clutter and refocusing their attention on what really matters: great work that drives the business.

What could you create in 90 days?

Storytelling is a marketing leader’s most important skill

Marketing is only one piece of the customer experience puzzle. To create a truly remarkable experience, other departments must also be heavily involved. The challenge is that colleagues in these other departments don’t perhaps report directly to you. You must find ways to mobilize them, starting with sharing your vision through a powerful story.

How will life look after the crisis?

Why bosses don’t listen to marketers

Daniel* is a marketer–and Daniel has a problem: he isn’t getting his boss’s attention. A regional marketing head of a large consumer electronics company, he often finds himself last on his boss’s agenda. Daniel isn’t alone. Millions of marketers struggle to get attention. Perhaps their work isn’t seen as critical for the company.

Make the middle manager cool again

3 digital traps for marketers–and how to avoid them

“Who should lead our digital marketing transformation?” Many CEOs are looking for leaders to move the company’s marketing into the future. Too often, however, top marketers don’t make it onto the CEO shortlist because they’ve fallen into a digital CMO trap. It doesn’t have to be like this.

What could you create in 90 days?

Great marketing teams love having a good fight

Consumers’ lives wouldn’t be the same without Diet Coke, the Swiffer, or Red Bull. CEOs would certainly miss telling the success stories behind how these brands were created and marketed. But the real key behind many successful products is innovation. And to truly innovate, marketing teams need constructive conflict.

The time for marketing is now (again)

The 4Ps of marketing leadership

Millions of marketers master the famous 4Ps of marketing: product, price, place and promotion. But if you’re a marketing executive, you won’t get very far without also tackling the 4Ps of marketing leadership: productivity, purpose, pull and power.

How will life look after the crisis?

Are you a Jobs or a Wozniak?

There’s no doubt a company can survive the digital revolution intact without expertise–a la Steve Wozniak. At the same time, however, there is a need for marketing leaders to see the big picture and develop strong leadership skills–a la Steve Jobs. So how can marketing leaders gain more influence?

Marketers need more sense to stem the tide of CMO firings

CMO 2.0

A new study shows that the CMO role is now becoming an essential function in companies, but there is still a long way to go to achieve influence and control. Spurring CMOs on to take charge!

Marketers need more sense to stem the tide of CMO firings

Future CMO challenges

What are the challenges facing CMOs? What are their worries? What ideas are available to help with these? IBM brings us the latest.

Marketers need more sense to stem the tide of CMO firings

Do firms need CMOs?

A US study has caused a stir: firms with a CMO on the management team are not more successful than firms without a CMO. Do we need CMOs? CMOs now need to prove their worth.