Which marketing leadership skills do you currently focus on?
From the world’s largest ever study on marketers’ success, we have created this little marketing leadership test. If you honestly answer the following questions, you’ll get a quick read on your marketing leadership strengths. We hope you’ll find this assessment enlightening.
About the marketing leadership test
Leading Marketing isn’t the same as doing Marketing. In the world’s largest ever study on marketers’ success (The Marketers’ DNA), we discovered that Leading marketing is a comprehensive task. The world’s most successful marketers know how to mobilize bosses, peers, teams, and themselves. Our team surveyed 1,232 senior executives from over 80 countries. With the assistance of INSEAD Business School, we analyzed data from one of the world’s most comprehensive databases. In total, our study involved over 68,000 executive assessments (all details are in our book, The 12 Powers of a Marketing Leader). The assessment uses statements from our research that best describe the four important marketing leadership dimensions. While it’s not a perfect evaluation, it will provide valuable insight into your strengths.