1 Minute Marketing Leader: #1 Win as a marketer

1 Minute Marketing Leader: #1 Win as a marketer

As a marketer, how do you win? In collaboration with The Marketing Society I have produced this new series: The 1 Minute Marketing Leader. I hope you'll like this. What's more important for marketers' business impact? Technical skills? Or leadership skills? The...

The Whole Marketer: Podcast

The Whole Marketer: Podcast

Why marketers must behave a bit more like the finance department.   A few days ago I had the pleasure to meet Abby Dixon of the Whole Marketer Podcast to chat about practical marketing leadership challenges facing today’s marketer. We spoke about the 12 Powers of...

The time for marketing is now (again)

The time for marketing is now (again)

For marketers, a massive window for change has just opened—and the prize is big. Let’s face it, marketing missed its last slot. Digital technology should have given marketers unprecedented powers—the power to understand customers; the power to increase returns; the...

How will life look after the crisis?

How will life look after the crisis?

Marketers are facing a major problem. Post-Covid, how will markets change? What are the trends?    Trends are a simple way to plot the future. More video meetings, more online courses, more home cooking—it's where the world is headed. Conferences, restaurants,...

Never let a good crisis go to waste

Never let a good crisis go to waste

Making change happen is tough. New products? Too risky. Agile working? Maybe next year. Better digital tools? We’ll look into it. Why change when life is good?    Toys “R” Us, Pan Am, Nokia, Sears, Myspace didn’t fail because of a crisis. They failed because they...

What could you create in 90 days?

What could you create in 90 days?

When the world suddenly stops for 90 days, could you use this time well? Business life is a rat race. So many meetings, presentations, emails. Breakfast to go. Working lunch. Late dinner. It’s crazy. Then, all of a sudden, things grind to a halt. The meetings get...

Complete this sentence about the future

Complete this sentence about the future

Could this be your moment? It all started in 2020. The world was just beginning to grapple with a pandemic. Shops and schools had to close. Events were cancelled. Firms asked people to work from home. Global travel ground to a halt. People had to completely change the...

Forbes CMO Leadership Talk: Katharyn White, T-Systems

Forbes CMO Leadership Talk: Katharyn White, T-Systems

Why Katharyn White wants to redefine the collective impact as marketers. What makes a successful CMO? In this series, I explore the practical secrets of marketing leadership: what works and what doesn’t. This time I spoke with Katharyn White, Senior Vice President and...

Thrive, don’t fail

Thrive, don’t fail

Who thrives? The people who have more than just ideas. The people who figure out how to make stuff happen, how to mobilize people, how to ship. A few days ago, I sat down with Rusty Pepper for a podcast on the power of leadership in marketing. You can listen to it...

Look beyond performance

Look beyond performance

Fran Crippen loved the water. The US long-distance swimmer had beaten his competition many times. 7 medals in 6 years—one gold, four silver, two bronze. Olympic games in reach. Expectations were high for the Fujairah Marathon Swimming World Cup. Fran promised to call...