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Marketing career success: 5 enduring secrets

Strategy means nothing without leadership

The best marketing strategy will go nowhere if leaders can’t convince colleagues about the right course of action. Some time ago, a CMO asked me to assess his global team’s capabilities. After two years and a six-figure training investment, marketing – in the eyes of...

The three gaps marketers must bridge

Getting Inside the Revenue Camp

Influential leaders are associated with profitable revenue. Too many executives aren’t. They’re missing out. Time to get into the revenue camp. Profitable growth (the sustainable kind) is high on every CEO’s mind. In fact, next to strategy and organization,...

Smart Strategies for Handling ‘Get Me One Of Those’ (G.M.O.O.T.)

Marketers must stop being digitally naïve

The label ‘digital’ makes marketers throw all leadership rules overboard (from my Marketing Week column). I love technology. When new tech stuff comes out, I immediately fall victim to the ‘wannahave’ mentality. For some it’s shoes. For me it’s gadgets. But...

Marketing career success: 5 enduring secrets

How to recruit the wrong marketers?

What’s the best tool for recruiting the wrong people? A long competency list. If you want too much, you may simply not spot the best marketing leaders. Cut to the chase and ask yourself a simple question: “What distinctive skills do we need?”